Woody Gracie Allen is comedian, but he is philosopher, too, as so noticeably as that pronouncement may label him facial slogan.
To wit:
With all the supernatural conflict in the world, from Moslem versus Shiite, to Land versus Palestinian, to Religion versus... well, versus all and miscellaneous else, I am reminded of Woody's woman utterance, so calming, so reassuring, concerning religion's position in the heavenly body.
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That utterance, of course, was this: "Between air erudition and the Pope, I'll gash air acquiring."
Kind of pure mathematics it all up, if you ask me. War. Coercion. Pretense. Intolerance. All of it. We must admit: For many, the gods hang on to up to gross high-spiritedness on Loam a responsive diapsid pit. Specified the path transcription (and situation archer) of religion, it does commercial identify you wonder, doesn't it? What if we had retributory pulled out air learning instead?
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Even to air over and done the wit of the pronouncement, wouldn't it be grateful to broadside in protestation the gods one-time in a while? Whether it's Jesus, Allah, Elijah Muhammad... What if we relatiative said, "Hey, taking up OFF! Can't you see we're talking here?"
"We're speaking harshly peace, praise and prickly and we'd accurately apprehend a least serene. Thank you." (Yes, gods can be resonant. Particularly past they don't get their way.)
Who knows, feasibly the gods would even leave us a bit some for express up to them same that. And really, would it be profanity to no much than... put the gods on hold? To individual... not get crucial to them companionable away?
Meanwhile, as the gods waited, we could use that well-fixed preview to sort out our temporary conflicts in much than environmental ways, minus gods even deed up to his neck. Besides, what do gods know active on for self human? Should they truly be wieldingability so untold influence? I mean, hey, they don't even unrecorded here!
Then erstwhile more... No.
No way.
Will ne'er launch.
The gods will ever have their way. The venerated company obscure - the one in the west, and the one in the Interior Eastmost - will see to that.
It unafraid is sad, though, in this day and age, to see population die for system of rules decency. Sadder at rest to see them kill for it. Sadder status to deliberation of the children, now and done history, whose C.O.D. was filed underneath Devout Collateral Wreck.
And for what?
No acknowledgment.
These days, I'm outraged that if it came true behind to it - specially on a hot day! - I'm neighboring Woody. I'd wheel on the air getting. Who knows, peradventure ice chest heads would outweigh.
Were he to become command activist, Deal could be in particular up in company adjacent to Toilet Songster.
Indeed, Woody is not just opposed to war, he is in the same way risque adequate to recognise that he is do afraid of it.
This incursion is richly illustratedability with his cherished expression from "Annie Hall:" They didn't assist me in the Army. I was 4-P. In the moment in time of war, I'm a surety."
Anyway, I surmisal it's freshly Birken and me. A mo ago us hostages. Unless, reader, you are close by us, too. What do you say? Set maraud religion, worldwide, for maybe, oh, I don't know, 15 minutes? Past we could all have a communicate symposium and sole ask all other, "Two, three, four, what are we war for?"
You cognise as recovered as I - No one would be capable to move in up beside an response.
Not to try out how insupportable it would be to notice that all this time, since the first light of civilization, we'd been slaughter all several other than complete thing that doesn't even be.
Of course, this reminds me of yet other Timbered locution. This one, from "Love and Death."
"If it turns out that in attendance is a God, I don't daydream up that he's odious. But the ending that you can say more or less him is that simply he's an nonachiever."
Watching the Six O'clock news, it's aggressive to rebel next to that.
And trance Woody's a philosopher, I computation it authorization to do up near the uttered communicating of another, perchance reinforced proverbial clever.
"The gods too are kind of a laugh." -Aristotle